Big Hair Inspiration...Taking Maximum Hold of Your LifeBIG HAIR Inspiration: Do I Get a Thank You for the Water?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Do I Get a Thank You for the Water?

Is it just me, or have kids lost all sense of respect?

This afternoon, my nine year-old son had his friend, Kevin, over to our house. Somehow, Kevin’s little sister Mackenzie, (two years younger) tagged along with him.

My son, rather sympathetically, said, “Mackenzie was bored at home, so she wanted to come over here and watch us play computer games.”

During the next 20 minutes, this is what transpired at my house.

MACKENZIE: “Do I have to sit ON THE FLOOR to watch them play while I'm here? Sure would be NICE to have a chair...”

ME: Uh, okay. Here you go. (I bring in my toddler’s Naughty Seat and set it down.)


I retreat to my bedroom to tackle a basket of laundry. Then, a knock at the door.

MACKENZIE: Your dog is jumping on me. I’ve been running around trying to get away from her. Can't you do something about it?

ME: Well, you see, Mackenzie, she is a greyhound. That means she is trained to chase things that run from her. If you sit still and be REAL QUIET (pause for effect), she’ll leave you alone.


Mackenzie eyes me suspiciously but goes back to join the boys. A few minutes later, she’s back.

MACKENZIE: I’m hungry. Is there anything I can eat around here?

ME: Why, sure! Let me get something for you. (I go to the kitchen and open the freezer, reaching behind the bag of fish sticks and carton of Slim-A-Bear bars. This is my opportunity to get rid of a box of Popsicles that have been taking up space since the Y2K scare.)


MACKENZIE: (Turns up her nose.) No…I was wondering if you had anything else.

ME: Nope. That’s it. (I step sideways to guard my newly purchased family-size bag of Twizzlers.) But, if you’re that hungry, you can go home and have your mom make you something to eat.

MACKENZIE: Can I just have some water instead?


Heather said...

I'm cracking up here, Tina. Seriously, I used to like other people's kids. Until I had my own and now not so much. The joys of being bossed around by someone who can't reach a light switch on their own escape me.

Anonymous said...

Holy moly. Seriously funny situation... but if it were me I would be beyond irritated! Be.Yond.
Hope the kid went home soon after she had her water.

Blog Owner said...

You have Slim-A-Bear bars??? I'm on my way!!

Crystal said...

Forget about the Slim A Bear bars, I need to get my hands on her Twizzlers.