Big Hair Inspiration...Taking Maximum Hold of Your LifeBIG HAIR Inspiration: What Would Wonder Woman Say?

Monday, July 2, 2007

What Would Wonder Woman Say?

Over the weekend, I saw clips from the movie, “The Incredibles." I’m not necessarily a big fan of the movie, but the plot is kind of cute. I also like the baby, Jack-Jack, as it reminds me of my own live-in dynamo, a two-going-on-22-year-old with the same name.

After seeing the movie, I got to thinking about what it would be like to have superhuman abilities.

Who wouldn’t want to have SUPER powers like squeezing into last year’s swimsuit, enjoying raw vegetables without Ranch dressing and finding the time to finish the July issue of your favorite magazine? (That would be the July 2006 issue, by the way.)

So now, I have a question for you to think about…


For me, I would have the ability to ZAP! the most painful memory a person has and give him/her the opportunity to rewrite it or remove it completely. I know that a painful experience can give us an opportunity to grow. It can also be the most appropriate teacher for a lesson we must learn about life. And then sometimes, it is not. That’s when giving a person the choice about how he/she wants to confront a situation can empower them to move ahead without pain, resentment and regret holding them back.

Now, if THAT superhuman power was already taken, then my SECOND choice would be the ability to permanently remove back fat caused from ill-fitting bras -- including my own -- and banish it forever to the Land of Supermodels.

What about you?

1 comment:

Heather said...

Oh the fat zapping powers are inticing. I think I'd have to have those. OR. The ability to make a child fall asleep within seconds. Mine aren't nearly as sentimental as yours :)